Thursday, February 28, 2013

There are several unofficial days in March that you can celebrate with your kids and family.  
March 15- INCREDIBLE KID DAY!  It’s easy as a parent to forget how incredible our kids are.  This is a day to set aside your worries, concerns, frustrations about your child not putting their shoes away, cleaning up their room, or doing their homework.  It’s a day to just say “You’re an incredible kid!”  Kids thrive on positive reinforcement.  It’s easy to forget this and concentrate on the things our children aren’t doing well.   Julie A. Ross, M.A. suggests in, HOW TO HUG A PORCUPINE Negotiating the Prickly Points of the Tween Years, occasionally leaving your child a “LOVE TICKET” with something you appreciate that they did or something you like about them.  Today is the day to leave a note saying….”I think you are an Incredible kid because…”  If you’re having trouble thinking of something ask another family member or a teacher. For a free download of this stationary go to:
March 22-NATIONAL GOOF OFF DAY:  This is on a Monday so it might be hard to actually take off work or school.  However, after school is a great time to set aside some time with your kids and family and just “GOOF OFF”.    You’ll discover that goofing off is actually good for you. Experts share goofing off every day—at home and at work can be good for you. Kenneth Ginsburg, MD, from the American Pediatrics Assoc. states, “Free time has been markedly reduced for most children.  Play is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children and youth. Play also offers an ideal opportunity for parents to engage fully with their children.”   So, take the time today and “goof off”, play and have fun.   As the saying goes, “A family that plays together stays together.”

March 30-TAKE A WALK IN THE PARK DAY:   Kids love to go for walks especially with their parents. And, if you have a dog the dog will appreciate it too!  Why not take a walk enjoying the new sights of Spring-the flowers blooming, the new buds on trees, the sounds of nature coming back to life. Did you know? Walking is good exercise.  (
  • Walking is good for bones and muscles: helping your kids grow up big and strong.
  • It burns calories: in fact a brisk walk burns the same amount of calories as a run over the same distance!
  • It builds stamina.
  • It helps beat stress: walking can make you feel good and more relaxed.
  • It can cut your risk of heart disease by up to 50%, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and the risk of some cancers
  • It boosts your immune system for 24 hours
  • It can even lower your blood pressure.
  • It’s FREE!
Crossroads Family Counseling Center, LLC hope you have a wonderful March celebrating some of these unofficial days with your kids and family! 
Written by:  Sheri Mitschelen, LCSW, RPT/S, Owner and Director of Crossroads Family Counseling Center, LLC  a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in the State of Virginia and a Registered Play Therapy-Supervisor (RPT-S).